Changeset 6b83300 in mainline

2012-09-27T21:34:11Z (12 years ago)
Jakub Jermar <jakub@…>
lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export

Improve terminology.

1 edited


  • kernel/generic/include/ipc/sysipc_ops.h

    r6f9c8f6 r6b83300  
    6565 *
    6666 * The request_process(), answer_preprocess() and answer_process() callbacks
    67  * will be skipped if the call cannot be dispatched to the callee. This may
    68  * happen when e.g. the request_preprocess() callback fails or the connection to
    69  * the callee is not functional. The next callback that will be invoked on the
    70  * call is request_forget().
     67 * will be skipped if the call cannot be delivered to the callee. This may
     68 * happen when e.g. the request_preprocess() callback fails or the connection
     69 * to the callee is not functional. The next callback that will be invoked on
     70 * the call is request_forget().
    7171 *
    7272 * The request_process() callback will be skipped if the callee terminates
    7373 * before picking up the request. In this case, the terminating task will
    74  * cleanup its dispatched calls list and so the next callback invoked on the
    75  * call will usually be answer_preprocess(). If, in the meantime, the caller
     74 * cleanup its incoming calls list and so the next callback invoked on the call
     75 * will usually be answer_preprocess(). If, in the meantime, the caller
    7676 * terminates too, it may happen that the call will be forgotten instead of
    7777 * answered, in which case the kernel will invoke the request_forget() and
    7979 * not defined.
    8080 *
    81  * The answer_process() callback will be skipped if the caller terminates before
    82  * picking up the answer. This means that this callback is not suitable for
    83  * releasing system resources allocated by the preceding callbacks.
     81 * The answer_process() callback will be skipped if the caller terminates
     82 * before picking up the answer. This means that this callback is not suitable
     83 * for releasing system resources allocated by the preceding callbacks.
    8484 *
    8585 * The comments for each callback type describe the specifics of each callback
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