Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Created
#357 Get rid of strtok() and strtok_r() sertorbe major helenos/app/bdsh mainline 13 years
#413 Port GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) to HelenOS Vojtech Horky major helenos/app/other mainline 12 years
#280 Taskdump should print fibril stacks Jiri Svoboda major helenos/app/taskdump 13 years
#415 Convert the ATA block device driver into a regular DDF driver major helenos/bd/ata mainline 12 years
#305 SATA AHCI block driver major helenos/bd/other 13 years
#28 Autotooling, generated offsets Martin Decky minor helenos-build mainline 15 years
#575 Intel HD Audio driver Jiri Svoboda major helenos/drv/other mainline 10 years
#60 Driver for ext4 filesystem Frantisek Princ minor helenos/fs/other mainline 15 years
#482 Cannot see which window is active major helenos/gui/compositor mainline 12 years
#34 Replace the functionality of LOW_4GiB macro Martin Decky major helenos/kernel/generic mainline 15 years
#382 Implement stack guard pages Jakub Jermář minor helenos/kernel/generic mainline 13 years
#422 DMA allocator needs to support range and alignment specification Martin Decky major helenos/kernel/generic mainline 12 years
#444 Low-level ipc_forget() Jakub Jermář major helenos/kernel/generic mainline 12 years
#39 Implement support for LEON CPUs (sparc32) Martin Decky major helenos/kernel/sparc32 mainline 15 years
#221 Printing floating-point numbers using printf() function from uspace major helenos/lib/c mainline 14 years
#558 More flexible locking scheme for fibril timers Jiri Svoboda major helenos/lib/c mainline 11 years
#189 DNS resolver Jiri Svoboda major helenos/net/other mainline 14 years
#190 DHCP client major helenos/net/other mainline 14 years
#192 Facility for comfortable network configuration and utilization major helenos/net/other mainline 14 years
#519 Driver for the family of Realtek Gigabit Ethernet network cards major helenos/net/other mainline 11 years
#591 Nic administration Jiri Svoboda major helenos/net/other mainline 10 years
#127 Partition editor major helenos/unspecified mainline 15 years
#162 Mouse interface for console applications Jiri Svoboda major helenos/unspecified mainline 14 years
#279 Sleeping task does not get killed immediately minor helenos/unspecified 13 years
#435 ddf_dev_t and ddf_fun_t should be opaque major helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#500 Sound subsystem major helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#501 Standard conforming boolean type minor helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#530 Type check link argument of list_get_instance macro minor helenos/unspecified mainline 11 years
#532 Remote Framebuffer server major helenos/unspecified mainline 11 years
#542 Run-time core dump configuration major helenos/unspecified mainline 11 years
#587 Clean up remaining uses of _DDF_DATA_IMPLANT minor helenos/unspecified mainline 10 years
Batch Modify
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